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Аватар CEBIL

Modern plant for the production of composite pipes and products from them is opening in Uzbekistan

Категория:  Статьи на других языках  | Автор:  CEBIL | Опубликовано: 21.06.2021

A modern plant for the production of composite pipes and fittings is being created in the industrial city of the Tashkent region of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the CEBIL (UAE) press service reports.

The cost of equipping it with the necessary new equipment amounted to more than $ 3.5 million. The plant covers an area of ​​5 hectares and 3000 square meters of production facilities.

A new independent production line is being installed at the plant, the annual capacity of which will be 100 thousand meters of pipes with diameters from 100 mm to 1600 mm and products for various purposes.

These pipes can be used in the following areas, in the oil industry – for transporting produced water, since they can easily withstand high pressure; In the chemical industry - pipes are resistant to neutral and aggressive influences, therefore it is possible to transport alkalis, acids and other liquids; In housing and communal services - drinking water supply, sewerage and water disposal; These pipes can also be used at high pressures in the energy field; In agriculture - these pipes are also used in equipment for irrigation and drainage systems of land reclamation.


The grand opening and commissioning of the modern plant is scheduled for the third quarter of 2021.


Much assistance and active participation in the creation of the plant is provided by the government and departments of Uzbekistan, such as the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade, the Chamber of Commerce and others.

Roadmaps for the second phase have been signed with partners from Uzbekistan, which provides for partial localization of raw materials - fiber mat, and the third phase is planned, which is the creation of a unique plant for the production of composite pipes for the transportation of oil and gas.

Press service CEBIL UAE.   (http://www.orpington1st.co.uk/news/d/123870/modern-plant-for-the-production-of-composite-pipes-and-products-from-them-is-opening-in-uzbekistan/)
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